Concrete Jungle (OST) serves as a world-building companion to Bad Omens universe, weaving lore from their Concrete Jungle comic series released by Sumerian Comics with samples, remixes, and new live versions of some of the bands best-known tracks. Described as an experimental expansion of the band’s acclaimed album The Death of Peace of Mind the new project not only contains original solo tracks, but incorporates carefully-crafted interludes, re-imagined versions of beloved tracks such as “Artificial Suicide,” and six live-recorded songs. Moreso, the Concrete Jungle (OST) sees Bad Omens stepping into their most collaborative endeavor, including on the captivating focus track “Anything > Human” with Erra. With additional tracks boasting features from Bob Vylan, Wargasm (UK), and more, the album proves itself to be another sonically compelling, dynamic release from the band as they continue to push boundaries and redefine rock. Furthermore, each track is accompanied by a stunningly animated visual dawn by Nicola Izzo and animated by Matt Paulsen.