Doom (2005) is a science-fiction film based on the iconic video game series, starring Karl Urban and Dwayne Johnson. The film is centered around a group of marines sent on a rescue mission to a facility on Mars, which quickly turns into a game of survival when the team encounters demonic creatures. This release marks the first vinyl release of Clint Mansell's score, which comes as a 2-LP gatefold set pressed on Black Ice vinyl, with original artwork and a poster by illustrator Micha Huigen.
Side A
- C24
- Doom
- Olduvai / Facing Demons
- Searching...
Side B
- Sibling Rivalry
- The Lab
- Taking Control
- Mac Attack!
- Resurrection
- BFG!
Side C
- Destroyed
- Infirmary
- Experiment: Stahl
- Containment Breach
- Superhumans And Monsters
- “Kill ’Em All...
- ...Let God Sort ’Em Out”
Side D
- Mass Onslaught
- First Person Shooter
- Semper Fi
- Go To Hell
- Nine Inch Nails – You Know What You Are? (Clint Mansell Remix)